Can I extend a barn conversion?
In general planners have a dislike for barn conversion extensions. Most councils have policies that effectively exclude them. But there are some exceptions.

Generally, as barns are in open-countryside, new-build is not an option. However, re-building former barns can sometimes be granted with significant justification to the planning authority. For example, we obtained planning permission for this barn to re-build surrounding ‘hovels’ and turn them into living space and classic car workshops.
The case study shown here is unusual. It took a lot of determination and perseverance with the local authority to justify the importance of re-building the former hovels. This entailed much historical research and drawings to demonstrate how parked cars would look worse in this prominent position on the hillside, without lovely workshops to hide them in!
NB. Hovels are simple open sided barns used for housing livestock or as general farm storage.
What about extending an existing barn conversion?
In the case of extending an existing barn conversion that is already a home – it is still very tricky! Permitted development rights are generally removed after permission for a barn conversion is received. Therefore, usual homeowner extension policies do not apply. We recently obtained planning permission for an extension to a barn conversion. It took careful navigation and liaison with the planners and conservation officer. Eventually an extension in-line with the original barn was granted. Effectively making it longer. This may not be your preferred layout. We reorganised internal rooms to make it work. This gave better access to the garden and improved light coming into the kitchen. Result – very happy clients!
We are very pleased with the outcome, the development has totally changed the house, garden and how we live for the better. Mr and Mrs M.
There’s further information about planning permission for barn conversions here.
We absolutely love barns and would be keen to chat with you about yours. Please do get in touch with us here. Or sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram. Both contain more barn inspiration!
Photographs above courtesy of IQ glass.